Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht,

Motivate users to construct collective knowledge via IT - A psychological view on pattern-based task management

, , , und .
4th Conference on Professional Knowledge Management - Experiences and Visions -, March 28. - 30. 2007, Potsdam, Germany, GITO Verlag Berlin, (März 2007)


Collective knowledge construction is often inhibited by motivational barriers. In this paper we present pattern-based task management (PBTM) as a system to construct collective knowledge and show ways how to foster motivation. We present the motivational structure of the knowledge sharing situation as a social dilemma which feeds free-riding. To avoid this, we concentrate on ways to overcome the dilemma from a psychological perspective by presenting concrete suggestions on increasing users' motivation to actively participate in PBTM. The goal is to foster collective knowledge con-struction as a social process.



  • @michael
  • @uvriss
  • @mature
  • @aschmidt
  • @nepomuk
  • @ogr

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