
Media Tyrannosaurs

., (Juni 20070625)


Found via Mind Meters, the Youtube video below is titled Prometeus - The Media Revolution. It's a faux documentary look back at a new media revolution, seen from the year 2050 or so. It was made by an Italian company that does consulting work in social media and other trendy stuff, and the narrator has a pleasant Italian accent. The video includes this prediction: The media arena is less and less populated. Only the Tyrannosaurus Rex survives. The Net includes and unifies all the content. Google buys Microsoft. Amazon buys Yahoo! and become the world universal content leaders with BBC, CNN and CCTV. (Emphasis added) If you liked Prometeus - The Media Revolution, you might also enjoy a video that was going round the Internet in 2004, before Youtube had even launched, called 2014 EPIC, by Google. In a similar vein but strictly fact-based, The Machine is Us/ing Us elegantly explains the meaning of Web 2.0 means in five minutes.



  • @acf

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