
DNN-disciplined natural naming: a method for systematic name creation in software development

, and .
Proc. Twenty-Fifth Hawaii Int'l Conf. on System Sciences, ii, page 91--100 vol.2. (January 1992)
DOI: 10.1109/HICSS.1992.183281


Giving names to different concepts is a common activity that software developers have to do in their work. Typical nameable concepts are various program elements (variables, tables, structures, functions, etc.). The same information that is encoded in the names of program elements usually exists in other software documents, e.g. requirements definitions and design documents. Naming affects how readable and understandable software documents are. Every concept should always have the same name when it appears in any software document. Disciplined natural naming (DNN) is a method for creating names to be used in all software documents, from requirements definitions to source programs. DNN should be executed as the first step of software development. The tools of DNN are name creation tables and name templates which are used in a stepwise manner



  • @sjbutler

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