
Equivalence of several generalized percolation models on networks

Physical Review E, 94 (3): 1837+ (19.09.2016)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.94.032313


Many different concepts of percolation exist for networks. We show that bond percolation, site percolation, \$k\$-core percolation, and bootstrap percolation are all special cases of the Watts Threshold model. We show that the "heterogeneous \$k\$-core" and a corresponding heterogeneous bootstrap model are equivalent to one another and the Watts Threshold Model. A more recent model of a "Generalized Epidemic Process" is also shown to be a special case. Finally, we show that a natural generalization of the Watts Threshold Model is a special case of the Watts Threshold Model, and thus it is equivalent to the Watts Threshold Model as well.


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  • @nonancourt

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