Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht,

Comparison of semantic and single term similarity measures for clustering turkish documents

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Machine Learning and Applications, 2007. ICMLA 2007. Sixth International Conference on, Seite 393-398. (Dezember 2007)
DOI: 10.1109/ICMLA.2007.52


With the rapid growth of the World Wide Web (www), it becomes a critical issue to design and organize the vast amounts of on-line documents on the web according to their topic. Even for the search engines it is very important to group similar documents in order to improve their performance when a query is submitted to the system. Clusterng is useful for taxonomy design and similarity search of documents on such a domain. Similarity is fundamental to many clustering applications on hypertext. In this paper, we will study how measures of similarity are used to cluster a collection of documents on a web site. Most of the document clustering techniques rely on single term analysis of text, such as vector space model. To better group of related documents we propose a new semantic similarity measure. We compare our measure with Wu-Palmer similarity and cosine similarity. Experimental results show that cosine similarity perform better than the semantic similarities. We demonstrate our results on Turkish documents. This is a first study that considers the semantic similarities between Turkish documents.



  • @lee_peck

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