
China's Second Long March: A Review of Chinese Media Discourse on Globalization

Review of Communication, 6 (1): 32--51 (Januar 2006)10.1080/15358590600763268.


This article explores media discourse on China's 2001 WTO entry in the Chinese official newspaper, People's Daily. Grounded in political economy, the article argues that traditional press theory is inadequate for understanding the socialist Chinese media and its transformation in the historical conjunction of globalization. A close examination of the news discourse suggests that People's Daily reflects more neoliberalist hegemony than traditional socialist/communist ideology. The Chinese government is in fact colluding with the global capitalist system in the context of globalization, although at times it is at odds with advanced capitalist countries. Authoritarian government control is transformed into a combination of governmental control and domination by transnational corporations. As a result, Chinese people's struggle over freedom and equality has to be simultaneously both anti-authoritarian and anti-imperialist. An earlier version of this article was presented at the 91st annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Boston, MA in November 2005.



  • @acf
  • @shangnan
  • @afeld

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