
Right Unitarity Triangles, Stable CP-violating Phases and Approximate Quark-Lepton Complementarity

Physics Letters B, 679 (2): 111--117 (16.07.2009)
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2009.07.027


Current experimental data indicate that two unitarity triangles of the CKM quark flavor mixing matrix V are almost the right triangles with \approx 90^\circ. We find that = 90^actually points to \rm Re(V\_tbV\_udV^*\_tdV^*\_ub) = 0. Considering a very suggestive parametrization of V, we show that its CP-violating phase is nearly equal to (i.e., - 1.1^\circ). Both and are stable against the renormalizaton-group evolution from the electroweak scale M\_Z to a superhigh energy scale M\_X or vice versa, and thus it is impossible to obtain = 90^at M\_Z from = 90^at M\_X. We conjecture that there might also exist a maximal CP-violating phase 90^in the MNS lepton flavor mixing matrix U. The approximate quark-lepton complementarity relations, which hold in the standard parametrizations of V and U, can also hold in our particular parametrizations of V and U simply due to the smallness of |V\_ub| and |V\_e3|.


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