
Integrating touch and near touch interactions for information visualizations

, , , and .
Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, page 2347--2352. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2011)


This paper proposes a novel interaction paradigm for multi-touch interfaces, that integrates both touch and near-touch interactions. The paper describes the hardware prototype that we have built, as well as the computer vision approach that we propose for real-time hand tracking and differentiation between near-touch and touch events. We also present a case study showing how near-touch and touch interactions can be successfully integrated in an information visualization application.



  • @steffenbuzin
  • @dblp

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  • @steffenbuzin
    13 years ago
    Novel method of touch interaction as a basic input/interface system offering new UI/UX effects. Not that important for current work but keep in mind while developing abstract models.
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