
Comics in Translation

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St Jerome Publishing, (2008)Contents:Federico Zanettin: "Comics in Translation: An Overview"Nadine Celotti:"The Translator of Comics as a Semiotic Investigator"Heike Elisabeth Jüngst: "Translating Manga"Valerio Rota: Äspects of Adaptation. The Translation of Comics Formats"Raffaella Baccolini & Federico Zanettin: "The Language of Trauma: ArtSpiegelman's Maus and its TranslationsÄdele D'Arcangelo : "'Slime Hero from the Swamp': the Italian Editions of AlanMoore's Horror Saga The Swamp Thing"Jehan Zitawi: "Disney comics in the Arab Culture(s). A Pragmatic Perspective"Heike Elisabeth Jüngst: "Translating Educational Comics"Federico Zanettin: "The Translation of Comics as Localization. On Three ItalianTranslations of La piste des Navajos"Elena Di Giovanni: "The Winx Club as a challenge to Globalization Translatingfrom Italy to the Rest of the World"Carmen Valero Garcés: Önomatopoeia and unarticulated Language in theTranslation of Comic Books. The Case of Comics in Spanish"Catherine Delesse: "Proper Names, Onomastic Puns and Spoonerisms: Some aspectsof the Translation of the Astérix and Tintin Comic Series, with SpecialReference to English"Federico Zanettin: Comics in Translation. An Annotated Bibliography.



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