
Calculated Residential Exposure to 50 Hz Magnetic Fields from Overhead Power Lines in a French Epidemiological Study

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An epidemiological study of childhood leukaemia in relation with various environmental factors is currently being carried out in France. One of the investigated factors is the proximity of children residence to high voltage overhead lines (63 to 400 kV), in relation with the residential exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF). This possible influence is studied following three criteria, namely "distance to power lines", "distance-voltage" (i.e. "estimated exposure to ELF-MF using a distance criteria modulated by the voltage level of the line") and "calculated residential exposure to ELF-MF". The purpose of this paper is to describe the tools and methods used to develop and characterize these three criteria of growing complexity, and to characterise the influence of the input data in terms of uncertainties on the ELF-MF exposure assigned to subjects. The method developed for the "calculated residential exposure" criterion is based on a limited number of configurations of overhead lines, which were selected in the objective of having a representative sample of the French HY network. The calculated exposure is then fitted to each subject and each neighbouring overhead line, taking into account the local characteristics of the line (type of towers, height of the conductors, phase arrangement, etc.), the current flowing in, and the location of the residence with regard to the closest line span. All variability factors introduced by this simplified representation are analysed, classified, and quantified to give the best possible assessment and the associated confidence interval of the residential ELF-MF exposure of the subjects.



  • @chkokalis
  • @ceps

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