
Efficient implementations of the Multivariate Decomposition Method for approximating infinite-variate integrals

, , , and .
(2017)cite arxiv:1712.06782.


In this paper we focus on efficient implementations of the Multivariate Decomposition Method (MDM) for approximating integrals of $ınfty$-variate functions. Such $ınfty$-variate integrals occur for example as expectations in uncertainty quantification. Starting with the anchored decomposition $f = \sum_u\subsetN f_u$, where the sum is over all finite subsets of $N$ and each $f_u$ depends only on the variables $x_j$ with $jınu$, our MDM algorithm approximates the integral of $f$ by first truncating the sum to some `active set' and then approximating the integral of the remaining functions $f_u$ term-by-term using Smolyak or (randomized) quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) quadratures. The anchored decomposition allows us to compute $f_u$ explicitly by function evaluations of $f$. Given the specification of the active set and theoretically derived parameters of the quadrature rules, we exploit structures in both the formula for computing $f_u$ and the quadrature rules to develop computationally efficient strategies to implement the MDM in various scenarios. In particular, we avoid repeated function evaluations at the same point. We provide numerical results for a test function to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.



  • @tobydriscoll

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