
Clarifying matters of (meta-) modeling: an authors reply

Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), 5 (4): 395--401 (December 2006)


In his article "More Matters on (Meta-)Modelling" Remarks on Thomas Kühne’s ‘matters’ �? 2 Wolfgang Hesse addresses some of the issues I have raised in my article “Matters of (Meta-) Modeling�? 1 and I very much welcome his idea of stirring up a constructive debate about some important fundamentals of modeling. In this response I follow up the discussion started by 2 by focusing on areas of disagreement, in particular pointing out where my statements in 1 have been interpreted in a way I did not intend. Ideally, the following clarifications will thus aid the understanding of the issues I have originally addressed in 1 and continue the constructive debate started in 2.



  • @leonardo

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