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Revisiting the $A_L$ Lensing Anomaly in Planck 2018 Temperature Data

, , , , und .
(2023)cite arxiv:2310.03127Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ.


We revisit the lensing anomaly in the Planck 2018 temperature (TT) data and examine its robustness to frequency selection and additional sky masking. Our main findings are: (1) The phenomenological lensing amplitude parameter, $A_L$, varies with ecliptic latitude, with a $2.9\sigma$ preference for $A_L>1$ near the ecliptic, and $1.0\sigma$ preference near the ecliptic poles, compared to $2.5\sigma$ on the original masks. This behavior is largely or solely from 217 GHz and suggestive of some non-random effect given the Planck scan strategy. (2) The 217 GHz TT data also show a stronger preference for $A_L>1$ than the lower frequencies. The shifts in $A_L$ from 217 GHz with additional Galactic dust masking are too large to be explained solely by statistical fluctuations, indicating some connection with the foreground treatment. Overall, the Planck $A_L$ anomaly does not have a single simple cause. Removing the 217 GHz TT data leaves a $1.8\sigma$ preference for $A_L>1$. The low-multipole ($\ell<30$) TT data contribute to the preference for $A_L>1$ through correlations with $Łambda$CDM parameters. The 100 and 143 GHz data at $\ell\geq30$ prefer $A_L>1$ at $1.3\sigma$, and this appears robust to the masking tests we performed. The lensing anomaly may impact fits to alternative cosmological models. Marginalizing over $A_L$, optionally applied only to Planck TT spectra, can check this. Models proposed to address cosmological tensions should be robust to removal of the Planck 217 GHz TT data.



  • @citekhatri

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