Veröffentlichter Bericht einer Hochschule/Institution,

Large-Scale Repositories of Highly Expressive Reusable Knowledge

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We describe an ongoing project to develop technology that will support collaborative construction and effective use of distributed large-scale repositories of highly expressive reusable ontologies. We are focusing on developing a distributed server architecture for ontology construction and use, representation formalisms that remove key barriers to expressing essential knowledge in and about ontologies, ontology construction tools, and tools for obtaining domain models for use in applications from large-scale ontology repositories. We are building on the results of the DARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort, specifically by using the Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) as a core representation language and the Ontolingua system as a core ontology development environment. In order to enable distributed ontology repositories and services, we are developing a distributed server architecture for ontology construction and use based on ontology servers which provide access via a network API to the contents of ontologies and to information derivable from the contents by a general purpose reasoner. Ontology servers will be analogous to data base servers and will provide services including configuration management, support for distributed ontologies with components resident on remote servers, and automatic caching of derived results. We are developing new representation formalisms, integrating existing formalisms, and incorporating the results into the tools and servers developed in the project. The representation language resulting from this work will enable ontologies to contain richly textured descriptions that are structured into multiple views and abstractions, and are expressed in a generic representation formalism optimized for reuse. In addition, a computer interpretable ontology description language will enable annotation of ontologies with assumptions made, approximations made, topics covered, example uses, competency, relationships to other ontologies, etc. We are addressing key difficulties in building large scale ontologies by developing ontology construction tools for specifying the overall structure of an ontology during the early stages of development, supporting teams of collaborating developers, testing and debugging ontologies, and merging ontologies. We are also developing retrieval, extraction, composition, and translation tools that will enable users to effectively obtain domain models from large-scale ontology repositories that satisfy a set of application-specific requirements regarding content, level of abstraction, view, underlying assumptions, representation language, usability by problem solving methods, etc.



  • @neilernst

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