
Coverage and hole-detection in sensor networks via homology

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IPSN '05: Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on Information processing in sensor networks, Piscataway, NJ, USA, IEEE Press, (2005)


We consider coverage problems in sensor networks of stationary nodes with minimal geometric data. In particular, there are no coordinates and no localization of nodes. We introduce a new technique for detecting holes in coverage by means of homology, an algebraic topological invariant. The impetus for these techniques is a completion of network communication graphs to two types of simplicial complexes: the nerve complex and the Rips complex. The former gives information about coverage intersection of individual sensor nodes, and is very difficult to compute. The latter captures connectivity in terms of inter-node communication: it is easy to compute but does not in itself yield coverage data. We obtain coverage data by using persistence of homology classes for Rips complexes. These homological invariants are computable: we provide simulation results.


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  • @nonancourt
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