
Finite-size scaling at first-order phase transitions

, and .
Physical Review B, 30 (3): 1477--1485 (Aug 1, 1984)
DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.30.1477


Using thermodynamic fluctuation theory, we study the finite-size rounding of anomalies occurring at first-order phase transitions of the corresponding infinite system. Explicit expressions for thermodynamic functions are derived both for "symmetric transitions" (such as the jump of the spontaneous magnetization in the Ising model from +Msp to -Msp as the field changes from 0+ to 0-) as well as for asymmetric cases, but restricting attention to (hyper)cubic system shapes. As an explicit example for the usefulness of these considerations in Monte Carlo simulations where it may be a problem to (i) locate a phase transition and (ii) distinguish first-order from second-order transitions, we present numerical results for the two-dimensional nearest-neighbor Ising ferromagnet in a field, both below the critical temperature Tc and at Tc. The numerical results are found to be in very good agreement with the phenomenological theory and it is shown that one may extract the magnitudes of jumps occurring at first-order phase transitions in a well-defined and accurate way.



  • @nonancourt

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