
Haldane's sieve and adaptation from the standing genetic variation

, und .
Genetics, 157 (2): 875-884 (Februar 2001)


We consider populations that adapt to a sudden environmental change by fixing alleles found at mutation-selection balance. In particular, we calculate probabilities of fixation for previously deleterious alleles, ignoring the input of new mutations. We find that "Haldane's sieve"--the bias against the establishment of recessive beneficial mutations--does not hold under these conditions. Instead probabilities of fixation are generally independent of dominance. We show that this result is robust to patterns of sex expression for both X-linked and autosomal loci. We further show that adaptive evolution is invariably slower at X-linked than autosomal loci when evolution begins from mutation-selection balance. This result differs from that obtained when adaptation uses new mutations, a finding that may have some bearing on recent attempts to distinguish between hitchhiking and background selection by contrasting the molecular population genetics of X-linked vs. autosomal loci. Last, we suggest a test to determine whether adaptation used new mutations or previously deleterious alleles from the standing genetic variation.



  • @peter.ralph
  • @gcoop

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