
Exact extended supersymmetry on a lattice: Twisted N = 2 super Yang-Mills in two dimensions

, , , und .
Phys. Lett., (2006)
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2005.12.034


We propose a lattice action for two dimensional super Yang-Mills theory with a twisted N=2 supersymmetry. The extended supersymmetry is fully and exactly realized on the lattice. The method employed is quite general and its extension to the N=4 supersymmetry in four dimensions is briefly presented. The lattice has a new type of ``fermionic'' links, where odd Grassmann variables, supercharges and fermionic connections sit. The Leibniz rule is preserved on the lattice, although in a modified ``shifted'' form that takes into account the link nature of both derivatives and supercharges. Superfields are semi-local objects and superfield expansion is naturally embedded in the lattice structure. The Dirac-Kähler twist generates the extended twisted supersymmetry, turning the multiplicity of species doublers into the multiplicity due to the extended supersymmetry. In this way the balance between bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom is preserved.



  • @gber
  • @tobias_qft_tpi

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