
Programming Model for Supporting Complex Optimizations in Sensor Networks

, , and .
Fourth International IEEE/ACM Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'05), (2005)


Energy efficiency is a central issue in all sensor network applications. Optimizing energy consumption in a sensor network requires the customization of each node's behavior according to both its local and neighborhood state, which are dynamic and non-uniform. Because of the frequent changes in node states, sensor nodes should autonomously customize their behavior according to their own state. Sensor state typically combines several crosscutting aspects that affect energy behavior. Optimizing energy consumption on the basis of several aspects is a challenging programming task. Here, we present a programming model to support complex optimizations in sensor networks, including energy optimizations. Our model facilitates sensor network programming by combining several independent performance policies into an integrated policy. The model also weaves the integrated policy into the sensor code to create a consistent code image for the sensor nodes.



  • @jurdak

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