Beliebiger Eintrag,

Extreme spin squeezing in the steady state of a generalized Dicke model

, und .
(2018)cite arxiv:1810.11176Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 1 table.


We present a scheme to generate steady-state atomic spin squeezing in a cavity QED system using cavity-mediated Raman transitions to engineer effective atom-photon interactions, which include both linear and nonlinear (dispersive) atom-cavity couplings, on a potentially equal footing. We focus on a regime where the dispersive coupling is very large and find that the steady state of the system can in fact be a strongly spin-squeezed Dicke state, $|N/2,0\rangle$, of the atomic ensemble. These states offer Heisenberg-limited metrological properties and feature genuine multipartite entanglement among the entire atomic ensemble.



  • @kajakus

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