
Locating starting points in differential equations: a realistic mathematics education approach

International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 31 (2): 161--172 (2000)


The paper reports on ongoing developmental research efforts to adapt the instructional design perspective of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) to the learning and teaching of collegiate mathematics, using differential equations as a specific case. This report focuses on the RME design heuristic of guided reinvention as a means to locate a starting point for an instructional sequence for first-order differential equations and highlights the cyclical process instructional design and analysis of student learning. The instance of starting with a rate of change equation as an experientially real mathematical context is taken as a case for illustrating how university students might experience the creation of mathematical ideas. In particular, it is shown how three students came to reason conceptually about rate and in the process, develop their own informal Euler method for approximating solution functions to differential equations.



  • @rmosvold

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