
Interface Pinning at Finite Temperatures

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


The dynamics of interfaces in random media has recieved much attention in the last decade.This kind of systems exhibits a rich behaviour, which is not yet fully understood. It's well known that at zero temperature these systems undergo a dynamic phase transition that arises from competition between the driving force and the pinning due to the disorder. However, it's interesting to know how they evolve in the presence of non-negligible thermal fluctuations. This finite-temperature problem in countinuous limit was studied numerically in 1. They observed glassy behaviour in the low temperature regime, and also long-range correlations in the global velocity for optimal temperature.This suggests existence of local temperature-induced avalanches of depinning events. Here, we further investigate the problem of interfase depinning at finite-temperature. We propose a cellular automaton model to study this problem in the discrete limit (for both QEW and QKPZ).For an optimal range of temperatures we observe critical-like behaviour, characterized by interesting spacial and time correlations. In this case we are able to visualize and study these correlations (fig.1). We find power law scaling in the distributions of waiting times, distances between active-points at the same time, and global velocity espectra. We also observe glassy behaviour below this critical-like regime, as in the continuous model1. 1) J. Ramasco, J.M. Lopez and M.A. Rodriguez Europhys. Lett. 76, 554(2006)



  • @statphys23

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