
Acquisition Concepts for Galileo BOC(2,2) Signals in Consideration of Hardware Limitations

, , and .
Proc. of the 59th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), (2004)
DOI: 10.1109/VETECS.2004.1391445


Considering space-borne navigation signal receivers the performance of these receivers like acquisition time, tracking performance and accuracy of the navigation solution is of importance; however, due to power and weight restrictions on a satellite the complexity of the receiver has to be low. An approach which processes the two sidebands of the navigation signal separately was proposed for receivers which have to acquire the modernized GPS BOC(10,5) or BOC(14,2) signals. For the acquisition of the planned Galileo BOC(2,2) signal this approach is compared to the two-sideband seheme. The separated sidebands concept leads to a shorter acquisition time and a lower complexity compared to the two-sideband scheme; however it causes a SNR loss.



  • @bmuth

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