The1/3-oct spectra of nine different vowels, sung by 14 professionalmale
and female singers in nine different modes of singing,were analyzed
to reveal spectral characteristics of individual singers andmodes
of singing. The main spectral differences between singers couldbe
described in two dimensions characterizing, respectively, differences
among maleand among female singers. Spectral characteristics of these
dimensions suggestedthat interindividual differences among males,
like the average difference betweenmales and females, arise mainly
from differences in vocal tractdimensions, whereas interindividual
differences among females may have a glottalbasis. The spectral characteristics
of the modes of singing couldbe represented for each vowel in two
dimensions. Differences amongthe soft (pianissimo), light, neutral,
free, straight, extra vibrato, andloud (fortissimo) modes were mainly
due to the spectral effectof vocal effort, which constituted a very
dominant first spectraldimension. This dimension essentially reflected
the slope of the spectrum.The second dimension mainly described the
spectral differences between thedark and pressed modes of singing.
A possible explanation ofthe results in terms of glottal and supraglottal
morphological variationis discussed.
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