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%0 Journal Article
%1 Emmerling2002-ca
%A Emmerling, Marcel
%A Dauner, Michael
%A Ponti, Aaron
%A Fiaux, Jocelyne
%A Hochuli, Michel
%A Szyperski, Thomas
%A Wüthrich, Kurt
%A Bailey, E J
%A Sauer, Uwe
%D 2002
%J J. Bacteriol.
%K imported
%P 152--164
%T Metabolic flux responses to pyruvate kinase knockout in Escherichia coli
%V 184
added-at = {2017-09-19T09:22:19.000+0200},
author = {Emmerling, Marcel and Dauner, Michael and Ponti, Aaron and Fiaux, Jocelyne and Hochuli, Michel and Szyperski, Thomas and Wüthrich, Kurt and Bailey, E J and Sauer, Uwe},
biburl = {},
interhash = {fc01ef84dd5fc67b63ccca4b6f6654e0},
intrahash = {35cf8bcbc46d27933c340be845c9a748},
journal = {J. Bacteriol.},
keywords = {imported},
pages = {152--164},
timestamp = {2017-09-19T09:22:19.000+0200},
title = {Metabolic flux responses to pyruvate kinase knockout in Escherichia coli},
volume = 184,
year = 2002