Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht,

Algorithm Evolution for Face Recognition: What Makes a Picture Difficult

, und .
International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Seite 608--613. Perth, Australia, IEEE Press, (1--3 December 1995)


One of the classic problems in computer vision is the face recognition problem. In general this problem can take on a wide variety of forms, but the most common face recognition problem is ``Who is this a picture of?'' Evolution computation has, in the past, been applied indirectly to this problem through techniques like learning Neural Networks. This paper introduces a Genetic Programming style approach to learning algorithms that directly investigate face images and are coordinated into a face recognition system. Through a series of experiments, we will show that evolved algorithms can accomplish the face recognition task. We will also highlight several pitfalls and misconceptions surrounding face recognition as a learning problem.



  • @brazovayeye

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