
Period-two cycles in a feedforward layered neural network model

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


There has been renewed interest in the dynamics and the stationary states of attractor neural networks that process sequences of patterns with or without pattern reconstruction. The competition between either symmetric or asymmetric sequence processing and a Hebbian process of strength $J_H$ that favors pattern reconstruction has been studied in recent works. In the case of symmetric sequence processing of strength $J_S$, that favors a transition to both the next and to the previous pattern in the sequence with equal strength, the works done so far are within the dominant Hebbian regime in which $1J_H/J_Słeqınfty$, leading to phase diagrams of stationary states which only exhibit fixed-point solutions. In the present work 1 we study the long-time dynamics and the stationary states, in a signal-to-noise procedure, for all $J_H$ and $J_S$ including the regime of dominant sequential interactions where $J_H/J_S<1$. This is done in an exactly solvable feedforward layered neural network model of binary units and patterns with interactions between each unit in one layer and all units in the next one, without lateral connections between units in the same layer, near the limit of pattern saturation, that extends an earlier model 2. Recursion relations for the relevant order parameters are obtained in which the local field at a unit is a sum of a signal and a Gaussian noise. Although an infinite number of recursion relations for the noise is generated in the saturation limit, only a finite set turns out to be numerically significant. The effects of the noise and variable interaction strength on the performance of the model are analyzed and phase diagrams of stationary states are obtained with fixed-point solutions describing a retrieval, a symmetric and a spin-glass phase, including a phase of correlated states 3. The new feature is the presence of a phase of cyclic correlated states of period two, where the correlation coefficients for low temperature decay, but do not vanish, with the distance from a stimulated pattern. This and the other features of the model could have applications for a visual-memory task in the inferotemporal cortex of monkeys 4. 1) F. L. Metz and W. K. Theumann, Phys. Rev. E 75 (2007), in press. \\ 2) E. Domany, W. Kinzel and R. Meir, J. Phys. A:Math. Gen. 22, 2081 (1989). \\ 3) L. F. Cugliandolo and M. V. Tsodyks, J. Phys. A 27, 741 (1994). \\ 4) G. Mongillo, D. J. Amit and N. Brunel, Eur. J. Neurosci. 18, 2011 (2003), for a review.\\ This work was partially supported by the Brazilian agencies CNPq and FAPERGS.


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