We microscopically analyze the nearest neighbor Heisenberg model on the maple-leaf lattice through neural quantum states (NQS) and infinite density matrix renormalization group (iDMRG). Embarking to parameter regimes beyond the exact dimer singlet ground state with a dimer bond spin exchange coupling Jd varied against the exchange strength J of all other bonds, iDMRG (NQS) finds a dimer state paramagnetic phase for Jd/J>1.464 (Jd/J>1.39) and a canted 120∘ magnetic order for Jd/J<1.419 (Jd/J<1.23). Assessing training convergence inaccuracies of NQS and the influence of finite cylindric circumference for iDMRG, we discuss the possible existence of an intermediate phase between magnet and dimer paramagnet.
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