
Debris Disks among Kepler Solar Rotational Analog Stars

, , , , , , , , , , and .
DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/aaf736


Observations of circumstellar disks provide a powerful tool for our understanding of planetary system dynamics. Analogs to the solar system asteroid belts, debris disks result from the collision of the remaining solid material of the planet formation process. Even if the presence of disks is now reported for hundreds of stars, its detection around stars similar to the Sun is still very sparse. We report the results of a search for debris disks around Kepler stars with surface physical parameters close to solar values, including rotation period, using observations by the Wide-field infrared Survey Explorer. From the entire sample of Kepler stars, 881 targets were identified with these parameters and only six of them (KIC 1868785, 7267949, 7435796, 10533222, 11352643, and KIC 11666436) show unambiguous infrared excess, for which we determined as debris disk physical parameters. Interestingly, the present study reveals traces of debris disks much more massive and brighter than the solar system zodiacal dust, probably resulting from recent violent collisional events, orbiting stars with ages around the solar values.



  • @ppgfis_ufc_br

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