LIBLINEAR is a linear classifier for data with millions of instances and features. It supports L2-regularized logistic regression (LR), L2-loss linear SVM, and L1-loss linear SVM.
Main features of LIBLINEAR include
* Same data format as LIBSVM, our general-purpose SVM solver, and also similar usage
* Multi-class classification: 1) one-vs-the rest, 2) Crammer & Singer
* Cross validation for model selection
* Probability estimates (logistic regression only)
* Weights for unbalanced data
* MATLAB/Octave, Java interfaces
M. Paris, and R. Jäschke. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, volume 12816 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, page 1--14. Springer, (2021)
L. Hettinger, A. Zehe, A. Dallmann, and A. Hotho. INFORMATIK 2019: 50 Jahre Gesellschaft für Informatik – Informatik für Gesellschaft, page 191-204. Bonn, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (2019)
V. Sinha, S. Rao, and V. Balasubramanian. (2018)cite arxiv:1803.02781Comment: 8 pages, 5 tables, 1 figure, KDD Workshop on Issues of Sentiment Discovery and Opinion Mining (WISDOM) 2018.