. In more recent times, scientist have harnessed the power of the public not only to collect data on a larger scale than perhaps would otherwise be possible, but also to analyse data gathered by professional researchers. Such data analysis projects include Zooniverse’s Galaxy Zoo and Cell Slider projects, whilst WheelMap, Wide Noise and the Opal Tree Health Survey focus on data collection.
Kassel. Jeder zweite Deutsche fühlt sich durch Straßenverkehrslärm belästigt, jeder fünfte leidet stark darunter. Geräusche werden jedoch unterschiedlich stark wahrgenommen. Zwei Forscher möchten deshalb mehr über subjektives
J. Mueller, S. Doerfel, M. Becker, A. Hotho, und G. Stumme. Proceedings of the Fifth ACM RecSys Workshop on Recommender Systems and the Social Web co-located with the 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2013) Hong Kong, China, October 13, 2013., 1066, CEUR-WS, (2013)