Metagrid ist der redaktionell gepflegte Katalog für alle Online-Publikationen im Internet. Sie können nach Zeitungen und Magazinen weltweit recherchieren.
DiscoverLibrary is a new search and discovery tool for the library’s vast collection of resources. A simple search box will bring back results from a number of different sources, including Acorn, the library’s catalog, and the Vanderbilt TV News Archive. Additionally, many of the library’s online article databases are searchable through DiscoverLibrary on the second tab.
This is the initial release of DiscoverLibrary, and its development is an ongoing process. Over time we will add new resources and features, as well as refine the user interface. Please help us make the new service better by leaving your suggestions and comments in the box to the right.
The Scopus Application Program Interface (API) enables you to search the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources.
You can select Scopus data elements and create your own mashups.
The API returns Scopus data in a format that is easily integrated into an application or your web site.
Die Literaturdatenbank Berufliche Bildung (LDBB) ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt der AG Berufsbildungsforschungsnetz (AG BFN) unter Federführung des Bundesinstituts für Berufsbildung. Unterstützt und finanziert wird die Online-Präsenz der Datenbank durch