WikiTaxi enables you to read, search, and browse Wikipedia offline. No Internet connection is needed, all pages are stored in a WikiTaxi database. Because Wikipedia is constantly growing,
Wisdomap organises information and thought processes and stores them in a visual, memorable and convenient format, while managing media and resources like videos, pictures, websites and files.
Wordie lets you make lists of words -- practical lists, words you love, words you hate, whatever. See who else has listed the same words, add citations and comments, and discuss
WriteToMyBlog is a free web based word processor for your Blog. Create Post Entries for your Blog from right here, completely free, no membership required, can Post to multiple Blogs simultaneously, manage your Posts, works with all major Blog programs, a
Voilà, hier kommt Wuala. Nach mehr als drei Jahren Entwicklung und zehn Monaten in einer geschlossenen Alpha-Version mit bereits Zehntausenden Benutzern, die Millionen Dateien teilen, ist es soweit: Wuala ist ab sofort offen für alle!
EncFS provides an encrypted filesystem in user-space. It runs without any special permissions and uses the FUSE library and Linux kernel module to provide the filesystem interface. You can find links to source and binary releases below. EncFS is open source software, licensed under the GPL.
web-based WYSIWYM XHTML editor. WYMeditor's main concept is to leave details of the document's visual layout, and to concentrate on its structure and meaning, while trying to give the user as much comfort as possible (at least as WYSIWYG editors).
Using XMind/XMind Pro with's sharing service is a revolutionary way to enable both team brainstorming and personal mind mapping. With this major upgrade, we bring Web 2.0 concepts on community sharing into a popular desktop application. Our new Gantt chart view is a must for both junior and senior project managers. You'll find many more pleasant surprises with the new XMind product family.
Modern Workflows for Modern Webapps. Yeoman is a robust and opinionated set of tools, libraries, and a workflow that can help developers quickly build beautiful, compelling web apps.
"Yet Another Multicolumn Layout" (kurz YAML) ist ein (X)HTML/CSS Framework zur Erstellung moderner und flexibler Layouts auf Grundlage von float-Umgebungen.
A reverse IP domain check takes a domain name or IP address pointing to a web server and searches for other sites known to be hosted on that same web server. Data is gathered from search engine results, which are not guaranteed to be complete. Knowing
To download a video to your computer, enter the YouTube URL for the video in the box above (example). It will be downloaded in flv format - use VLC or another compatible player to view it.