Welche Bedeutung hat ChatGPT im Hochschulkontext? Das Hochschulforum Digitalisierung stellt in dieser Linksammlung relevante Stimmen & Stimmungen zusammen.
Welcome to the Ranking Web of Universities, also known as Webometrics Ranking. The new edition has been published on the 7th of February based on data collected during the first days of January. It provides the largest and most updated directory and ranking of higher education institutions (now over 21000!) in the world.
My research is focused on the development and integration of algorithms for community detection, ranking and recommendations into collaborative tagging systems. Further topics of interest include citation and link analysis, entity matching and resolution, and social network analysis.
Furthermore, I am leading the development of our own system, BibSonomy, which is used as test-bed for our methods and results.
Probleme mit Skype
Mit zunehmender Beliebtheit und Verbreitung der kostenlosen Voice-over-IP-Software „Skype“ häufen sich im Datennetz der LUH leider auch negative Begleiterscheinungen, die zu einer Beeinträchtigung des Datenverkehrs und in letzter Zeit immer öfter auch zur Sperrung einzelner Rechner führten.
Das RRZN empfiehlt den Einsatz von Skype nicht.
The mission of the Journal of Machine Learning Gossip (JMLG) is to provide an archival source of important information that is often discussed informally at conferences but is rarely, if ever, written down.