In natural language understanding, there is a hierarchy of lenses through which we can extract meaning - from words to sentences to paragraphs to documents. At the document level, one of the most useful ways to understand text is by analyzing its topics.
Available with notes: (Data Day 2016) Standard natural …
Labeled LDA (D. Ramage, D. Hall, R. Nallapati and C.D. Manning; EMNLP2009) is a supervised topic model derived from LDA (Blei+ 2003). While LDA's estimated topics don't often equal to human's expectation because it is unsupervised, Labeled LDA is to treat documents with multiple labels. I implemented Labeled LDA in python.
Stan modeling language and C++ library for Bayesian inference. NUTS adaptive HMC (MCMC) sampling, automatic differentiation, R, shell interfaces. Gelman.
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