We have released over a million images onto Flickr Commons for anyone to use, remix and repurpose. These images were taken from the pages of 17th, 18th and 19th century books digitised by Microsoft who then generously gifted the scanned images to us, allowing us to release them back into...
Flickr Related Tag Browser. Einfach ein Stichwort eingeben und es erscheinen 36 Bilder. Klickt man danach auf ein beliebiges Bild dann öffnet dieses neben der Vorschau. Nun das ist noch nicht wirklich etwas Revolutionäres, aber wenn man die Maus aus de
flickrSLiDR allows you to easily embed the classic flickr slideshows on your website or blog. All you need to do is enter the flickr URL address of the user, photo set or group you would like to embed along with some options. You'll receive the HTML embed code in return.
A group at Lewis & Clark College in Portland are in the process of developing an educational collection of contemporary ceramics images using the photo sharing site Flickr as a back end. This article discusses the evolution of the project, Flickr machine tags, and the concept of Flickr as an application database layer. The article includes code samples for creating and querying machine tags using the Flickr API.
J. Yuan, Y. Zheng, and X. Xie. Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, page 186--194. ACM, (2012)
F. Abel, N. Henze, E. Herder, and D. Krause. User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, volume 6075 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2010)
J. Pedro, and S. Siersdorfer. WWW '09: Proceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web, page 771--780. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2009)