"An organization that was born in February 2005 by a group of socially-minded librarians Biblioteca Tutangi who wanted to address the vast information resource inequity existing between different regions of the world. Our vision is to build sustainable libraries and support their custodians and advocates -- librarians."
Der Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für molekulare Biomedizin, Hans Schöler, hat jüngst auf dem Weltkongress der Genetik in Berlin gezielt provoziert und seinen Vortrag über Stammzellen mit dem Hinweis abgebrochen, dass Journalisten im Raum waren.
Workshops: October 10th, 2008Refereed Papers: November 3rd , 2008Tutorials: November 30th, 2008Panels: December 21st, 2008Posters:January 20th , 2009Developers track: February 2nd, 2009
"Functional visualizations are more than innovative statistical analyses and computational algorithms. They must make sense to the user and require a visual language system that uses colour, shape, line, hierarchy and composition to communicate clearly and appropriately, much like the alphabetic and character-based languages used worldwide between humans."
N. Spangenberg, K. Wolff, and S. Lübben. Psychoanalytic research by means of formal concept analysis, Special des Sigmund--Freud--Instituts, Lit Verlag, Münster, (to appear)