Lush is an object-oriented programming language designed for researchers, experimenters, and engineers interested in large-scale numerical and graphic applications.
TagCloud is an automated Folksonomy tool. Essentially, TagCloud searches any number of RSS feeds you specify, extracts keywords from the content and lists them according to prevalence within the RSS feeds. Clicking on the tag's link will display a list of all the article abstracts associated with that keyword.
Diese Webseite sucht Bücher direkt von Amazon mit dem zur Verfügung gestellten Amazon-Webservice und extrahiert hieraus BIB-Daten für Bibtex/Latex. Wenn das Buch bereits bekannt ist, dann empfehle ich, direkt nach der ISBN-Nummer zu suchen.
This document is designed as being a simple but comprehensive introductory publication for anybody trying to get into the Semantic Web: from beginners through to long time hackers.
The Java BibTeX-To-RDF Converter allows to convert BibTeX files to an RDF format according to the SWRC ontology. It has been developed by Peter Haase and Björn Schnizler in the scope of the SWAP project.
As BibTeX Parser we have used JavaBib Parser by Johannes Henkel.
A. Zubiaga, C. Körner, and M. Strohmaier. Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, page 93--102. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2011)