EzDL is a tool to provide Easy Access to Digital Libraries. It is a Java based application that allows users to search several related libraries at once, presents a combined result view and offers a number of possibilities to work with and organize results. At the moment the program focuses on search for scientific literature, but other types of digital libraries and documents will be supported in the future.
Y. Yanbe, A. Jatowt, S. Nakamura, und K. Tanaka. JCDL '07: Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Digital libraries, Seite 107--116. New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, (2007)
A. Hotho, R. J�schke, C. Schmitz, und G. Stumme. The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, Volume 4011 von LNAI, Seite 411-426. Heidelberg, Springer, (Juni 2006)
A. Hotho, R. Jäschke, C. Schmitz, und G. Stumme. The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, Volume 4011 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 411-426. Heidelberg, Springer, (Juni 2006)
R. Jäschke, B. Krause, A. Hotho, und G. Stumme. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media(ICWSM 2008), AAAI Press, (2008)