This is the project page for SecondString, an open-source Java-based package of approximate string-matching techniques. This code was developed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University from the Center for Automated Learning and Discovery, the Department of Statistics, and the Center for Computer and Communications Security.
SecondString is intended primarily for researchers in information integration and other scientists. It does or will include a range of string-matching methods from a variety of communities, including statistics, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, and databases. It also includes tools for systematically evaluating performance on test data. It is not designed for use on very large data sets.
MALLET is an integrated collection of Java code useful for statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, information extraction, and other machine learning applications to text.
The Fat Jar Eclipse Plug-In is a Deployment-Tool which deploys an Eclipse java-project into one executable jar.
It adds the Entry "Build Fat-JAR" to the Export-Wizard.
In addition to the eclipse standard jar-exporter referenced classes and jars are included to the "Fat-Jar", so the resulting jar contains all needed classes and can be executed directly with "java -jar", no classpath has to be set, no additional jars have to be deployed.