VW Golf V-Infopool: Informationen für VW Golf V-Besitzer und solche die es werden wollen. Kaufberatung, Feedback-Forum, Erfahrungsaustausch, Modellpflege-Maßnahmen, Fahrgestellnummer, Radio, Hifi, MP3, CD-Wechsler, Reifenempfehlungen, Literatur, Testberichte zum Thema VW und Golf.
For better or for worse, Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) is a wildly popular way of exchanging information. On Windows and Mac OS, most people create PDF files by first creating a PostScript file and then using Adobe Acrobat Distiller to generate a PDF. Linux, however, has no version of Distiller. There are a number of ways to create a PDF in Linux, but one of the most popular methods is to use a utility called ps2pdf.