La Fondazione Think ha reso disponibile il Rapporto dell’ Osservatorio ICT per il non-profit 2012 dal titolo TERZO SETTORE: OLTRE IL DIVARIO DIGITALE. Dal documento emerge con chiarezza che solo un radicale rinnovamento manageriale può portare le realtà del non profit a svilupparsi secondo le logiche della social organization rese necessarie dalla rivoluzione del web 2.0.
Uno degli aspetti fondamentali che la rivoluzione social pone all'attenzione delle aziende è costituito dalla necessità di aprire i confini organizzativi. Questo significa che, da una parte, all'interno devono aumentare le sinergie, il dialogo costante, le iniziative congiunte fra funzioni...
causes of conflict in online social media community When things go wrong in an online community, they can go very wrong, very quickly. The first step of understanding how to deal with conflict in your community is to be able to identify the cause or source of the friction.
Welcome to the NEW Change Management Toolbook! It remains a premium resource for change management related information, methodologies, tools and for interacting and establishing links with other change practitioners. However, the Change Management Toolbook has undergone another transformation - we have retained all the great content, but have decided to open up the site to a far greater extent. The central part of the new Change Management Toolbook site is the new "Change Management Community" - a shared, free space where other change practitioners can set up their own presence, publish their own content, and do lots more - for free! (See more on this further down on this page.) So - one of the most visible internet platforms for change management is now open to you. We can't wait to see what you are going to do with it...