A new analysis of data from del.ici.ous shows that, while the number of tags grows roughly in proportion to the growth of content, users can unwittingly provide bridges between networks of seemingly unrelated concepts.
Damián H. Zanette, Marcelo A. Montemurro
We investigate the origin of Zipf's law for words in written texts by means of a stochastic dynamical model for text generation. The model incorporates both features related to the general structure of languages and memory effects inherent to the production of long coherent messages in the communication process. It is shown that the multiplicative dynamics of our model leads to rank-frequency distributions in quantitative agreement with empirical data. Our results give support to the linguistic relevance of Zipf's law in human language.
M. Atzmueller, L. Thiele, G. Stumme, and S. Kauffeld. Proc. Annual Machine Learning Conference of the Benelux (Benelearn 2017), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Eindhoven University of Technology, (2017)