M. Freiberg, and F. Puppe. Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE8), CEUR Proceedings (to appear), (2012)
M. Freiberg, and F. Puppe. Mensch und Computer 2012---12. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien., Oldenbourg Verlag, (2013)
M. Freiberg, and J. Baumeister. 450. University of Würzburg, Institute of Computer Science, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Informatics, Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg, Germany, (2008)
M. Freiberg. 457. University of Würzburg, Institute of Computer Science, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Informatics, Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg, Germany, (March 2009)