In this project, we provide our implementations of CNN [Zeng et al., 2014] and PCNN [Zeng et al.,2015] and their extended version with sentence-level attention scheme [Lin et al., 2016] .
NYT10 is originally released by the paper "Sebastian Riedel, Limin Yao, and Andrew McCallum. Modeling relations and their mentions without labeled text."
Relation extraction on an open-domain knowledge base
Accompanying repository for our EMNLP 2017 paper. It contains the code to replicate the experiments and the pre-trained models for sentence-level relation extraction.
D. Dligach, T. Miller, C. Lin, S. Bethard, und G. Savova. Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 2, Short Papers, 2, Seite 746--751. (2017)
M. Hearst. Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Computational Linguistics - Volume 2, Seite 539--545. Stroudsburg, PA, USA, Association for Computational Linguistics, (1992)