2020-2021 International Conferences in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing and Robotics
Mahout currently has
Collaborative Filtering
User and Item based recommenders
K-Means, Fuzzy K-Means clustering
Mean Shift clustering
Dirichlet process clustering
Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Singular value decomposition
Parallel Frequent Pattern mining
Complementary Naive Bayes classifier
Random forest decision tree based classifier
High performance java collections (previously colt collections)
A vibrant community
and many more cool stuff to come by this summer thanks to Google summer of code
I'm interested in machine learning techniques (graphical models, kernel methods) applied to text understanding (entity and relation extraction, coreference resolution, document classification and clustering, confidence prediction, social network analysis, data mining).
Y. Song, L. Zhang, и C. Giles. CIKM '08: Proceeding of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge mining, стр. 93--102. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2008)