With the OJS Application, a user can comfortably access his most favorite OJS journals and navigate to the correspondent articles. To find these easily, abstracts and other information of the articles, like authors, are shown very clearly. The preferred files, like PDFs or images, can then be chosen and they get directly displayed in the App. The user can also create notes easily at wanted positions in the article and move them via the well known Drag & Drop functionality.
Diese Liste richtet sich an alle Mac OS X Einsteiger und Umsteiger. Natürlich werden nur die Programme gelistet, die am häufigsten von Macusern benutzt werden. Eine komplette Liste würde zu weit führen
Diese Liste richtet sich an alle Mac OS X Einsteiger und Umsteiger. Natürlich werden nur die Programme gelistet, die am häufigsten von Macusern benutzt werden. Eine komplette Liste würde zu weit führen
Appetizer is application launcher, dock for windows. Have you seen Dock on Mac machine? Yes you could have one on your Windows now! Install Appetizer for free.
inderbox stores and organizes your notes, plans, and ideas. It can help you analyze and understand them. And Tinderbox helps you share ideas through Web journals and web logs
Gobby is a free collaborative editor supporting multiple documents in one session and a multi-user chat. It runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix-like platforms.
If you don't have a server that is able to generate RSS feeds, then you can manually create them with RSS Writer. All you need to do is upload the XML file once you have entered your content. RSS Writer is Freeware !
If you don't have a server that is able to generate RSS feeds, then you can manually create them with RSS Writer. All you need to do is upload the XML file once you have entered your content. RSS Writer is Freeware !