Albaniens Strände locken Millionen Urlauber, das Hinterland mit seinen Bergen und Canyons gilt noch als Geheimtipp. Biohöfe und Pensionen bieten lokale Spezialitäten, sagenhafte Idylle und Gastfreundschaft, für die es keine Worte braucht.
Wandern in Albanien ★ Die Region Albanien ist ein Wandertouren-Paradies. Mit derzeit 124 Wandertouren steht Freizeitsportlern und Aktivurlaubern vor Ort ein großes und sehr abwechslungsreiches Angebot zur Auswahl. Insgesamt führen 100 Wanderungen und 24 Fernwanderwege durch die Region Albanien ...
Die Urlaubssaison startet, und damit steigt auch die Reiselust. Doch die Welt steckt mitten in einer Pandemie. Wegen der aktuellen Entwicklungen in ...
Austrian author and playwright Peter Handke's political stance on Serbia has not been easy for Western intellectuals to swallow. With the recent scandal of the Heinrich Heine Prize - which was awarded to Handke and then retracted - the writer's views are back in the spotlight. In an in-depth interview with Martin Meyer and Andreas Breitenstein, Handke tries to clarify his understanding of what happened in the break-up of the former Yugoslavia. is a good resource for High Scardus Trail. The trail that goes through Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo offers a majestic experience. Do visit us to learn more about the hiking options.
495 km long cross-border hiking and biking route that follows ancient paths through the most attractive mountain regions of Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia.
By Peter Andreas On June 12, 2012
The illicit business side of armed conflict can involve clandestine exports to fund combatants, reselling looted goods on the black market, smuggling weapons and other supplies, sanctions evasion and embargo busting, theft and diversion of humanitarian aid, and covert “trading with the enemy.” How does such illicit business affect peace operations in conflict zones, and how do such peace operations, in turn, affect illicit business? I provide a preliminary answer in the case of the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia (one of the most brutal wars of the post-Cold War era and the site of one of the most ambitious and challenging peace operations ever attempted).[ii] Instead of reinforcing the common tendency simply to ignore or condemn the illicit business side of conflict and its relationship with peace operations, I stress the more ambiguous and double-edged nature of the issue.