Pino Daniele è morto, e il dolore che colpisce chiunque ami la musica è davvero enorme. Non solo perché Daniele è stato uno dei più grandi tra i cantautori e i musicisti del nostro paese. Non solo perché ha portato la nostra musica nel cuore del mondo,
This blog is devoted to celebrating the best of 20th century popular music. Genres included here are rock, rap, pop, blues, jazz, reggae, folk, country, bluegrass, ragtime, etc. and all the various subgenres that fall within these genre.
Ana pulls out all stops on this one! Playing tribute to Stevie Ray & Ronnie Earle she really shows us what shes got!! Kills it. You can check out 13 other so...
[accès réservé] African American Music Reference will contain 50,000 pages that offers a comprehensive coverage of blues, jazz, spirituals, civil rights songs, slave songs, minstrelsy, rhythm and blues, gospel, and other forms of black American musical expression
A. Lorenz, und K. Borcea-Pfitzmann. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2010, Seite 3--10. Porto, International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), IADIS Press, (18--21 March 2010)