Der Erfolg wissensbasierter Unternehmen hängt daran, Wissen in Produkten und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln, zu praktizieren und anzuwenden; letztlich also den Umgang mit Wissen in seinen Geschäftsprozessen zu institutionalisieren. Dies geschieht am effektivsten in Wissensgemeinschaften und Communities of Practice. Ziel dieses Papiers ist es, diese beiden Organisationsformen, die für den Umgang mit Wissen im Unternehmen so wichtig sind, vorzustellen und die Bedeutung, die Visionen, Werte und Web-2.0- Technologien in diesen Organisationsformen haben, heraus zu arbeiten.
This paper presents a critical review of some of the claims made for CoPs. It will address questions such as "Are CoPs really suitable for use in a business setting?" and "Can a CoP ever be truly virtual?"
NGOs need to tackle the problems of effective communication that arise from their local-global nature. This paper examines Knowledge Management (KM) practices for use with portal technologies in order to promote Communities of Practice in both local and
This paper provides an overview of virtual teams in the information age, focussing on the definition of virtual teams, their salient characteristics, the communication issues they face (including information overload, geographic and social distance), th
Review of "UNDERSTANDING THE BENEFITS AND IMPACT OF COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE" by Michael A. Fontaine and David R. Millen, Chapter 1 in Knowledge Networks: Innovation through Communities of Practice
This paper discusses existing research and develops a theoretical model of factors that affect knowledge sharing in OLCs. The aim is to increase our understanding of the antecedents to knowledge-sharing in OLCs.
Our society has focus on life-long learning, both formal and informal, and this might mean new challenges to the librarians. How do we facilitate knowledge sharing and knowledge creation among the users?
Contains links to papers on KM/CoPs that are all:(a) examples of research undertaken in the MIS Group (b) refereed as part of a book, journal or refereed conference (c) available on line
Communities of Practice are conceptually positioned as a very important and successful element of corporate Knowledge Management. By utilizing IT platforms they enable a direct connection of knowledge workers and the transfer and reuse of tacit expertise
L’objectif de cet article est d’apporter une contribution à la compréhension des facteurs clés de succès des systèmes de gestion des connaissances (SGC), à travers une étude qualitative menée auprès de sept grandes entreprises françaises du